Friday, August 14, 2015

Golden Rose Galaxy #14 and Kiko Denim #463

Golden Rose Galaxy #14 and Kiko Denim #463
Waterspotted gradient

Sometimes I feel like I am totally out of ideas for my manis. It feels like I’m doing the same things over and over again, day after day. Today I wanted to try something I haven’t tried before: Water spotting. Water spotting is when you drip drops of polish onto a water surface, spray with something containing alcohol and then dip your fingers in it. If you remember OPI’s Black Spotted, then you know what I’m talking about. 
I have only got pictures of the final mani, but let me talk you through the many steps:

  1. I painted my nails green, one coat of Kiko Denin #463.
  2. I applied both liquid latex and tape around my nails. I knew this was going to be messy!
  3. I made a gradient with the green and Golden Rose Galaxy #14, a lovely purple glittery texture
  4. I topcoated it all
  5. I dripped three drops of the green onto the water surface. Two would have been enough
  6. I sprayed with hand disinfectant
  7. I dipped two nails at a time
  8. I removed the tape and the latex right after pulling my fingers out of the water
  9. I topcoated it all
  10. I photographed it, and here it is:

I quite like the effect, but I think it was a mistake to use a texture in my gradient. I turned out pretty “lumpy” even though I’m wearing two layers of topcoat here.

Here are the two polishes I used:

I really enjoyed trying something I haven’t tried before! And I like the result!


  1. Honestly there were times when I thought I was obliged to show something different and more and more and prove I can - then I thought: "No, that's a nonsense" and nowadays I don't show much of a nail art...
    I tried this technique of today once or twice but I wasn't satisfied with the results.
    I had this Galaxy :)

    1. I never felt obliged to show something different, but I like change. :)
      I like the idea of this mani, but I'm going to re-do it with other polishes to see if I like the end result better :)

  2. I'm with Aneta here - you would try wearing beautiful polishes on their own more often LOL
    You know how I ALWAYS wore handpainted nail art - well after 3 years I stopped more or less, now I enjoy it when I pain some - and it never feels like something I HAVE to do...
    That being said, I like this mani very much, but you probably are right about the textured polish not being ideal for this mani!

    1. I never feel that I have to do nail art. But I usually find a plain polish too boring to wear on its own. I love when I've got something going on on my nails. It doesn't have to be much, just something :)

  3. That's cool! I would like to try this but I am lazy and avoid all kinds of nail art that might end messy :)

    1. Hahaha, I should definitely avoid messy nail art too! :D

  4. I am a huge green polish fan and that KIKO polish is truly amazing. Love the nail art you made, the effect is cool!

    1. Thank you. It's cool that you love green too! :)

  5. Gostei.
    Combinou bem, ficou uma lindeza.

    Bjim ...
    blog Usei Hoje

  6. Cool technique and I like the way it turned out. :-)

  7. The technic is quite difficult in my opinion. But the final result looks cool! :)

  8. This is a nice combo - they do work well together :-D Lol this is a new one to me! :-)

  9. This Kiko is so beautiful <3 No, I changed my mind, actually they both are gorgeous :D
