Sunday, October 12, 2014

Celistial ~ T’s in a Tizz

Celistial ~ T’s in a Tizz
Spearmint green linear holographic

It’s time for another great Celestial polish, this time a spearmint green. Not a colour I own much of, but I decided that it was close enough to being teal to give a go.

The formula is great – I’ve never experienced anything else with my Celestial polishes! Coverage is good too – I used two coats for this mani. Drying time is good, no problems whatsoever.

Here’s what two coats and no topcoat looks like in the sunshine:

Ain’t those rainbows just remarkable? I love them!

I stamped on it. I used my new stamping plate from Moyou London called Tropical Collection-06 and I used Isadora’s “Beetle Green” as my stamping polish.

The sun was not being cooperative at that moment, but fortunately the polish works really well in lower light too, so here’s my final mani taken with the sun behind a cloud:

Nice, eh? And here’s a lightbox picture. I really like these bird designs, they’re really cool!

T’s in a Tizz is spearmint green and yet it gets to stay in my collection. It’s such a cool polish!

Number of coats: 2
Drying time: Good
Finish: Strong linear holo
Overall impression: Great quality, I love the formula, fantastic effect  
Buy again: Yes

You can buy this polish on Edgy Polish
You can find more info on Edgy Polish’s Facebook page, link here.


  1. What a surprising stamping ;) Lovely polish :)

    1. The motifs on that stamping plate are so cute :)

  2. I'm glad you like it - I agree, it is very pretty!

  3. Oh wow beautiful colour and cute stamping. The bird looks like a sulpher crested cockatoo. They are native to my area. They are very noisy but clever and cute.

    1. I have to admit that my knowledge of birds is very limited! But I do know that some parrots are extremely clever, and am somewhat glad I chose a clever one :)

  4. I love this polish! I have it too and I think it's gorgeous!!

  5. Gorgeous holo and colour. Love the stamping :-)
