Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Picture Polish: Aurora

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Picture Polish: Aurora
Multi-chrome, shifting between blue, green, purple and magenta pink

I think "Aurora" came out in 2014 or thereabout. It came out as a super limited edition polish and I was thrilled when I got my hands on it.

The formula is from when almost all duochromes and multichromes needed black underwear to do their magic, so Aurora is too sheer to work on her own. I layered her over black, two coats to make her look the prettiest. The drying time was good.

Let me show you the blue and purple shift:

Picture Polish: Aurora
Picture Polish: Aurora

The blue shifts a bit to green here.

Picture Polish: Aurora
Picture Polish: Aurora

I applied a blower by the base of each nail.

Picture Polish: Aurora
Picture Polish: Aurora

Here you get to see more of the green side.

Picture Polish: Aurora
Picture Polish: Aurora

And here it is again, showing completely green.

Picture Polish: Aurora
Picture Polish: Aurora

Here are the things I used today.

I am super impressed with the many colours of "Aurora". What a great polish!

Number of coats: 2 over black
Drying time: Good
Finish: Multichrome with a dash of holo
Overall impression: Nice effect, I really like the shift and the colours

Buy again: Yes