Discount Codes

Here are some discount codes you can use when you shop online: 

Beauty BigBang is a global online retailer for nails, cosmetics and hair. They have free shipping no matter where you're situated. 
Use the code RBWM10 to get 10% off your order.

Norway Nails sells lots of cool nail polishes! They ship to all over Europe, and outside Europe on request. 
Use the code RAINBOWIFYME10 to get 10% off your order

Born Pretty Store sells polishes and stuff for nail art, and they have free shipping no matter where you're situated. 
Use the code JCJ61 to get 10% off your order

Moyou London sells lots of really cool stamping plates. They ship from the UK.
Use the codes IVY20, SHINY20 or SAMMY20. The codes only work if you're signed in.
15off might give you 15% off if you're lucky. If you buy for more than £15 you get free shipping.


  1. How do you put in the discount code on Norway Nails when it directs you to paypal?

    1. You sign in to your Paypal-account when you get re-directed. When you have signed in and confirmed, you'll get re-directed to Norway Nails, where you can type in the discount code :) I hope it helps - if not, please don't hesitate to contact me again! :)

    2. Thanks (sorry for the late answer). I will try that when I get to order something from there :)

    3. Just write to me if you run into problems with it, and I will see if I can help you out :)

  2. Are you happy with the stuff that you buy at Born Pretty Store? And is it outside EU? I can't find wherefrom they ship ;)

    1. Yes, I'm generally happy with it. They ship from China, but things are so cheap in there that it shouldn't be a problem to stay below DKK80,00! :)

  3. nice blogg here is an up to date list of sites whit real discont codes
