Thursday, December 10, 2020

Christmas nails, 10th of December

We're now ten days into December, and we are approaching really fast.

Today I wanted to wear something really blingy, and I didn't want to cover it up too much. So I painted my nails with a golden glitter, and stuck a little Christmas tree on the ring finger nail, and a little Christmas present on the middle finger nail. The present is a water decal.

Here is today's blinginess:

Christmas nails

The glitter is OPI's "My Favorite Ornament" from OPI's 2013 Mariah Carey Holiday collection. I used two coats of the glitter for full coverage. 

Both the Christmas decorations are from Aliexpress.

Christmas nails


I really like the blinginess and the simplicity of this.

Christmas nails

That's it. What's your favourite colour for Christmas?


  1. Bardzo fajne mani. Proste a efektowne. Tak jak lubię najbardziej. Pozdrawiam!^^

  2. That looks amazing :-D I love the glitter :-D

  3. Very blinghy!! I have the same Christmas tree nail art decoration and it's really cute! :-)
